#TRUEProjectEU, #TRUEBlockchain
Project partners: Universidade da Maia – ISMAI, Politécnico do Porto, Eurocrea Merchant, Amaris Consulting, Itä-Suomen yliopisto – University of Eastern Finland (UEF), IDEC S.A.
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What is #Blockchain and how can it be implemented in #HEIs?
Blockchain technology translates into blocks with information (records) that are linked together, through encryption, so each block prevents undetected changes to be made to the immediately preceding block, and so on.
Across Europe, in the educational field, there is still little standardization of student records.
#TRUEProjectEU aims to develop an integrated training strategy for assimilation of blockchain technology in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The project will produce: a basic knowledge pack on the potential of blockchain technology adapted to Higher Education, including a competency framework for the blockchain expert (member of the HEI staff); a training programme #MOOC addressed to HEI staff, as well as a serious game that provides an innovative learning experience on using blockchain technology.
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The first major milestone is achieved
The first step towards the goal of the TRUE Project has been achieved. The first Intellectual Output of the project is the TRUE Blockchain in Higher Education baseline report and competence framework. The outputs are meant to gather basic knowledge about blockchain in Higher Education in general and in the partner countries of the project, in order to have a solid base for the next steps of the project, the MOOC and the serious game.
This output is made of 2 key activities:
- IO1/A1 – Development of the baseline report
- IO1/A2 – Development of the competence framework and assessment tool
This is meant to define the key competences for the profile of a blockchain expert in Higher Education, delivered with a list of units of learning outcomes, to be described in terms of knowledge, skills and competences.
What’s next
On the basis of the results drawn from the previous output, the partners will develop a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) that will explore the main contents of
blockchain technology and its application for HEI’s procedures for the secure issue of credit certificates, learning transcripts and diplomas. The list of main topics envisaged will cover:
- Definition of blockchain and DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology)
- Architectural structure, protocols and operational aspects of different types of blockchain (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.)
- Concept of asymmetric key encryption
- Concept of hashing, enabling security during the process of message transmission
- Algorithms to manage the integrity of transactions and blocks in blockchain.
- Elements of trust in blockchain and consensus protocols
- How blockchain can enhance the transition between HE and the job market, ensuring authenticity and transparency of learning achievements.